Sram Mie

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2009 United Kingdom (gebore in Macedonia)

I had an abortion last year and I`m pregnant again.
When a friend of mine once said `we all know how babies are being made` I thought I know exactly what she is saying. Now I dont think so.
Although I am an educated 29 year old, aware of all the contraception methods. Although last year around this time I told my self I will never allow this to happen again. It did.
When the doctor said: It is positive, I couldn`t believe it.
Living in England, there are free abortion options. But I do have to wait for more than three weeks for the appointment at the clinic. I don't have 600 pounds saved so I guess I have to. With my head down. It is not pleasant at all having to know, and feel, that the embryo is growing by day.
I called the booking centre again and again as well as Marie Stopes and BPAS, begging to get an earlier appointment, but they said they couldn't help me. Unless I pay.

My heart cries for all the women in a similar position around the world, who in this day and age still do not have the power over their own bodies in capacities that are so easily attainable.

This has got to change.


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