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I had an abortion a week after my twenty second birthday, I was five and a half weeks pregnant and it was a complete shock. My partner was suffering with depression and was on medication, he was a bad drunk and I knew we wouldn’t be raising this child together. I felt no other option but to have a termination. He wasn’t supportive and we ended up splitting a month after the termination.

2017 United Kingdom

I know I made the right decision at the time but I still feel like I should of been more careful and I feel alone with my decision

I had a bad experience as the doctor who terminated the pregnancy was unsympathetic and made me feel extremely worthless

I fell pregnant at 21 and my partner suffered from mental illness and I knew I’d be raising a child alone which I wasn’t ready for mentally or financially

Het die onwettigheid van u aborsie u gevoelens beïnvloed?

It was legal

Hoe het ander mense op u aborsie gereageer?

My family and friends were extremely supportive

Nica Celine

I had an abortion cuz my boyfriend wasn’t ready for it and his Islam and I’m…


Ohne die Hilfe von Women on Web wäre auch in einem Land wie Deutschland ein…


No estaba 10% segura pero lo hice,
Yo aborte.


I had an abortion and don't regret it.


tenemos derecho a decidir, a no ser juzgadas!!! nosotras también tenemos…

Regina Kunst

Aku memutuskan untuk aborsi karena pada saat itu, aku masih menempuh S3 dan…

Anyel. Mtz.

Esto marcó mi vida, pero agradezco a Dios por esta segunda oportunidad

Annabelle Carton

j´ai eu un avortement

I had an abortion..W słońcu ludzie wyglądają tak, jakby zasługiwali na to, aby…


No me arrepiento de lo que hice. Abortar suena demasiado frío , asi que mejor…


Aborté a mis 18, a unos cuantos meses de mi graduación de preparatoria.

Danna Elissa



Muy difícil decisión


Abortar era la decisión que debía tomar...


Esta es mi historia: Tengo 35 años y 3 hijos, dos nenas y un varón de 6, 3 y 1…


Já fiz quatro: 2004, 2005, 2009 e 2015


I interrupted my early pregnancy