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I had to get an abortion after my Skyla IUD was placed improperly or slipped. I went with a medical abortion at Planned Parenthood and it was nowhere near as bad as I anticipated. I hardly bled at all and a low dose of hydrocodone/Tylenol and some ibuprofen took care of the fairly minor pain. Overall I had a good experience. I am lactating a bit and it's been two weeks but it isn't heavy, only happens when squeezed. Only further convinced me that we have a right to choose.

2017 United States

Proud to have been pro choice all along.

Very good, light pain and bleeding but completely tolerable.


Am I a horrible person

Agos Tina

Oxaprost / 7 semanas

Yasmin Lara

Bom,eu encontrei vários relatos e quis deixar o meu bom eu tenho só 17 anos e…


My first abortion took place when I was 19 and the second, when I was 26. I…

Brenda Rojas

Yo aborte, pero aunque no me siento orgullosa, tampoco me arrepiento.


Zrobiłam to!

Wiadomość o ciąży:

Mój cykl menstruacyjny zawsze wynosił 28 dni


Eu tinha 22 anos, minha menstruação atrasou e meus seios estavam muito inchados.


Una decisión que se tiñe de lucha


I had a SUPER LATE abortion.


Lo logré....estoy tranquila

Bia Li

Me encontro na cama deitada nesse momento, após ter passado um dia inteiro no…


I had an abortion


Having an abortion was the right thing for my family.


I had an abortion. It was in October of 2008, when I was 21. The guy I was…


No me arrepiento


Y fue lo mejor


I don't regret it. It was one of the wisest decisions I ever made in my life. I'…

Cristina Lima

Fiz um aborto.