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Because I could barely provide for the child I had already.

United States

I've been a single parent since I was pregnant with my son at 17. We moved from Brasil to the US when he was 2 months old. When my son was 8 I was in an "on again, off again" relationship, I found out I was pregnant again. My boyfriend at the time did pressure me, but ultimately it was my decision. I was financially unstable, on government assistance, and about to lose my house. I took a day off work for the appointment, I had gone for a pre-consult beforehand. The staff was friendly, my boyfriend waited in the waiting room as they took me in. The doctor was distant and cold. I was given a local anesthesia. There was a map of the world on the ceiling, I stared at that the whole time. I felt some discomfort, mostly pressure, kind of like a long uncomfortable pap smear. I went to the recovery room with several other women. We went for lunch, then a massage, then home to rest. When I went for my follow up about a week later, all was well. I asked for a copy of my ultrasound. I was only about 9 weeks along, but I named it Hannah. I keep her in a book with a page over it, so I only see her when I want to. I think about her from time to time. But to ensure a good life for my living child, I had to make a difficult choice. And, as hard as it was, ultimately, the best choice for both me and my son.

Hoe het ander mense op u aborsie gereageer?



Dokonałam tego co jest zakazane w tym kraju. Nie czuję się winna.


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Your Dreams Are Real, So Are Abortions.


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Nie chce się rozczulać. Każda kobieta sama podejmuje tą decyzję ale powinna…


I was not in a stable relationship and was already raising a daughter on my own.


I had a medical abortion (the pill) with BPAS when I was just shy of 8 weeks.

Cela B

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Miałam aborcję - nie żałuję

xxx xxx

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I had an abortion.It was illegal in the United States at the time, but I was…


It was the right thing to do.


J'ai avorté il y a 4 ans et demi


yo encauce mi destino...


mi aborto. siempre te voy a recordar pequeña semillita


No estaba lista para ser madre, no se si algún día lo estaré.