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....because my pregnancy was unexpected and I did not want another child. My family was complete. After years of struggling to have the two children I did have, I was devastated when I saw that pink line on the pregnancy test as I contemplated turning 40. I quite literally wanted to die.

2008 United States

I was only afraid of the pain - which in the end was minimal. I was able to do exactly what I wanted and needed to do in the privacy and comfort of my own home. I wish more women had access to this option.

I had a medical abortion in the privacy of my own home and all went as planned. In my case, I experienced very little pain. It simply felt like a heavy period. I planned to spend the weekend in bed and taking it easy. By Monday, I was back on my feet taking care of my other two children. I wish more women understood this option and had access to it.

Het die onwettigheid van u aborsie u gevoelens beïnvloed?

Yes! Unfortunately in the US, finding a doctor that would provide me with a medical abortion was much more difficult than the abortive process itself. I also had to endure invasive/obnoxious protestors at my appointments.

Hoe het ander mense op u aborsie gereageer?

I am lucky to have very supportive friends, but I have told very few people. The ones I have told are unfazed.

Cela B

Você precisa fazer uma auto avaliação e ver o que é melhor pra você. Não…


Primeiro, Calma!

Vamos lá, tenho 31 anos um filho de 7.
Voltei a me relacionar…

Sabine Ryan

It's not as bad as you think. Please read my story!


Gostaria de começar dizendo que deu tudo certo!
Quando realizei meu aborto…


Abortion as a right not a privilege: My abortion story


Pregnancy and abortion - what a trip.


Sin remordimientos.


Może jestem bez serca ale niczego nie żałuję. ja chyba nie nadaję się na matkę…


Cuando tenia 18 años me hice un aborto con citotec.Quede embarazada aunque…


Yo aborte con cinco semanas de gestación.... En el mi corazón siempre vivirás.

Sofia Ignatius

I had abortion n all went well

Yasmin Lara

Bom,eu encontrei vários relatos e quis deixar o meu bom eu tenho só 17 anos e…


A mi ángel

Anna Cavalcante

Olá, o meu nome é Anna, eu fiquei grávida aos 18 anos, e devido à minha idade


Aborté a mis 18, a unos cuantos meses de mi graduación de preparatoria.


Fiz um aborto - E foi a melhor decisão que eu podia ter tomado para a minha…

Typh N

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Estrella Triste Estrella

"Yo me salve"
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