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I had an abortion and I do not regret my choice. It is very important to me to remove the stigma

2001 Canada (uzalwe e Canada)

I could have clicked just about every box here. I felt such a range of emotion around my choice. I so badly regret getting into the situation, not the abortion itself. I felt guilty, I felt sad, I felt shame but above all else I felt relief, I felt sure of my decision, I felt so thankful that it was MY choice

I was couch surfing at the time. I was 19, had no education or any realistic prospects of decent income. I was not in a relationship with the would-be father. I just knew it was the clear choice for me

Ngaba ukungabikho mthethweni kokuqhomfa kwakho kuchaphazele iimvakalelo zakho?

no, I would have made the same choice. It just would have been much less safe

Benze ntoni abanye abantu xa ukhupha isisu?

I was lucky enough to have support from all who knew me and what was going on


Tenía 21 años, una pareja estable con quien pasé 14 años de mi vida. Al dudar…

Felicia Ríos

Yo elegí y aborté

andrea ka

Yo aborte


I had an abortion-it was a difficult decision...


Moje życie to moje wybory. / My life is my choices.


Pense en el bienestar de los 2


I had an abortion


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A tal história do “ engravidei por acidente” é real!


*No podía ser* 11sem

Amy Martinez

I had an abortion

Layla Sesey

I had an abortion when i was 19 yrs . I last saw my period in December till…


Ser solidária com quem abortou e defender a descriminalização jamais me fez…


I had an abortion

Tigrunia kinga

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