Beverly Simmons

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I have always been pro-choice. But after becoming a mother, I felt even more strongly about it! With two beloved children, my husband and I didn't want another child. When our birth control method (diaphragm) failed, both my husband and I felt certain that an abortion was the best thing for our family. We had no doubts at the time, and have had no regrets since. However, we have not talked about it very much and I didn't realize until recently how important it is to be more open about my experience — not only to advocate for women's choice, but also to present my story.

Very positive. The medical practitioners were professional and caring. I am so grateful that this service was available when I needed it and I didn't have to worry about the legality or safety of the procedure.

Benze ntoni abanye abantu xa ukhupha isisu?

For more than 6 months, I kept it a secret from my parents. That burden made me anxious and depressed. When I finally told them, they were very supportive, which was a great relief. My mother had volunteered for Planned Parenthood as a birth-control counselor in a hospital maternity ward (advising the new mothers how to avoid the next accidental pregnancy). She continued to be pro-choice until she died at 90.

I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


I discovered I was pregnant. It was about 5 weeks and 4 days old. I did an…

Emily Mars

O pesadelo de uma gravidez indesejada.


Como abortar en una ciudad donde es penalizado el aborto las primeras semanas.


Yo aborté porque es mi derecho


I had an abortion and don't regret it.


I had come off the contraceptive pill as it had me feeling un well, we thought…


Miałam aborcję wykonaną farmakologicznymi środkami otrzymanymi od Fundacji…


Tomé una desición


I feel much relieved thanks to women on web because living in a country where…


I had an abortion when I was 15 years old. After my abortion, I went to college

Abril Violeta

cuando tenía 24 años, recién terminaba la licenciatura, estaba desempleada, en…


Dokonałam tego co jest zakazane w tym kraju. Nie czuję się winna.


Wieść o ciąży była dla mnie szokiem, ale mogłam się jej spodziewać bo niestety…


No me arrepiento


Spóźniał mi się tydzień okres, więc zrobiłam test wyszedł dodatnio, drugi i…

mery elizabeth

tomando la decisión de mi vida

Eva Paradise

Aborté. Fue un alivio. Nunca me arrepentí. Hoy tengo dos hijos y puedo criarlos…


I had to get an abortion after my Skyla IUD was placed improperly or slipped. I…


Não me arrependo!