Lilian Godfrey

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I had an abortion twice this year. One was around August, and the second today being Nov17th. I was actually devastated when I found out i was pregnant for the second time. To me, I actually felt dat it was too soon to be having another abortion, and at some point I was scared something was going to go wrong in the process. But fortunately for me the cramps and bleeding wasn't as high as the first one. Am just hoping it worked, though I passed out few blood clots. Am still waiting for 1 or 2 weeks to go for an ultrasound scan. It was hell though but just for few hours. Thanks to God and my boyfriend who stood by me.

2018 Нігерія

Wasn't cool.

Was aweful but just for few hours. I'd still choose this kind of abortion over surgical

My family would be disappointed

Ovplyvnila nezákonnosť vášho potratu vaše pocity?


Ako reagovali na váš potrat iní ľudia?

Few friends who knew about it, called to check on me


Informacja o ciąży przeraziła mnie...nie potrafiłam się z tym pogodzić, byłam…


Terça, 08 de agosto de 2017, 8:00 h.
Foi esse dia que eu descobri que estava…


Yo aborte. No fue una decisión fácil. No entraré en detalles del porqué tome la…


J'ai avorté quand j'avais 18 ans. Je ne le regrette pas, je suis fière d'avoir…

Natália Sampaio

Abortei sim! Não foi fácil. foi um dos momentos mas difíceis da minha vida, mas…


O aborto é uma escolha apenas da MULHER.


No me sentía lista

miriam la desesperacion

Con cytotex Y aun no se si fue lo mejor, pero era necesario


Ojala alguna vez me perdones... pero fue. La mejor decisión..


Un ángel que me guía.


Por un aborto libre, seguro y gratuito.

Claudia Aviles

i had an abortion, and 10 years later i became a mother. you have the right to…


Tengo una hija de 4 años, pero aun asi yo aborte este año.


El adiós más difícil.

Uma Mulher

Pra mim, fazer um aborto foi um ato de responsabilidade