I feel much relieved thanks to women on web because living in a country where abortion is not talkable and not sure whom to approach is so hard. Women on web is doing a good job helping desperate women not bring babies to the world when they are not ready
2017 Об'єднані Арабські Емірати
The hard part is not having anyone to talk to about this as people can be so judgemental. How ever my partner was aware and a little supportive but not really available to talk when i feel down but I've been strong to handle it. I made the decision and wasnt forced to.
It was basically smooth. I was more scared about the package not getting to me on time or being checked and seized by the customs. I had a slight delay with the delivery and i felt scared with each passing day and no one to talk to. But good thing i could track and know the exact location. I made the donation on the 12th of june but finally got the package 28th of june. Package arrived safe and intact. How much relief i felt! I followed the instructions exactly as were stated and it all went smoothly. I was at 10 weeks and 4days so a little advanced but the pain i felt only similar to bad menstrual cramps. But i had painkillers which greatly helped. Bleeding was much just on first two days and diminished after then. Took some antibiotics after then and from the moment i passed out a big ball of tissue and more blood clots i started feeling all pregnancy symptoms diminish with the passing hours. No more fatigue, nausea, sensitive breasts etc. Everything gets better with time really. As long as you follow the instructions i think it all goes well.
Just not ready for a child now
Ngaba ukungabikho mthethweni kokuqhomfa kwakho kuchaphazele iimvakalelo zakho?
No not at all...i felt relieved everything went well and i did the ultrasound and it's all fine now
Benze ntoni abanye abantu xa ukhupha isisu?
No one knew about it except my partner. He was supportive but never really available. I guess you see the true side of people in situations like this. I felt like he supported me in getting the abortion but didnt want to stain his hands.