Camila Gray

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I had an abortion,im having my abortion.

Мексика (geboren in Mexico)

i will never blame myself for my accionces...i will learn and have learned thourgh out my years to forgive myself and not only that but also to be proud and confident that i can stand up dispite my age...and say i have a choice. not sure...i am 61 days lying in my bed while you read this..listening to music...i canot cry... i just wait... i have taken cytotec...and paracetamol... and like i said im just counting the minutes...the hours... i feel secure with my method.

...i was living with a boy who is my second boyfriend, i had another and a had a child with him.a baby boy..who i love very much and was planed i was 16 when he was born he is now 2 years old...i cannot and do not want to have this child...because i had no choice i had no money to buy pills. to buy shots...nothing he wouldent let was forced...i dont love him and he wont talk to me about it..but he knows... i have alot of things to do..among them live and learn all the way teaching and learning from my son...whom i never doubted in having...since he was concieved with love. i have no guilt in my heart.

Hat die Illegalität Ihres Schwangerschaftsabbruchs Ihre Gefühle beeinflusst?

Very not sure if when i go into the hospital to ask for help if they doing my abortion in about 2 taking the risk of saying that it was spontanueos if you say the contrariy here they will arrest you..humiliate you...and worst leave you in the waiting room to i am very scared but very much prepared about what is going to happen...above it all i have faith in myself.

Wie haben andere Menschen auf Ihre Abtreibung reagiert?

...suprisingly i had alot of suport in my dicison i was afraid to aproche very importante people in my life for help especially here in mexico everyone is so closed of mind. fourtunatlly my mother in law aproched me and said she found out,i was scared but she held my hand and said i will be with you i wont leave you alone...because youre not.


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