Layla Sesey

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I had an abortion when i was 19 yrs . I last saw my period in December till January but i thought they will be late period.. i didn't think i could be pregnant. By that time me n my boyfriend were having complications i didn't tell him. So i decided to get a home pregnancy test, found out i was really pregnant. That was a shock, but i thought maybe i didn't do the tests well... the same day.. i went to see a doctor. He had done the test, ask some few questions. The test were positive.. that's when i reaslised it is it.."I AM REALLY PREGNANT " called ma boyfriend n told him.... he said i will hqve to keep the baby, but i couldn't keep it... not because i want to. But the situation at home was bad... that gave me alot of stress evryday.. i didn't tell ma sister or anyone beside him.... Days went by, i sat down done some self introspection.... and thought about my future how m i gonna take care of this baby, m not working neither his father... so i decided to do what's best for me. My future, my parent's reputation . I had to sacrifice, take away an innocent blood.. not because i wanted to, but i had to😔💔... even today m still living with that Quilt... m trying to forgive ma self but i can't... wats more painful is dat i didn't tell ma boyfriend dat i had an abortion... because he threatened to tell ma parents if i do so.... so i ende up telling my cousin about my situation, she olny said do wats best for future..

2019 Güney Afrika

I feel like i disappointed my self, the family even though they don't know.. i feel Quilty for taking an innocent blood... m also angry at my boyfriend for being irresponsible so as me

It was tough because i was all alone to experience such thing all by my self...i had never seen so much blood it was all a shock... but i had to be strong..I experienced alot

Family's reputation

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They didn't judge me at all... just stood by me, and supported me in every decision i take


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Aborto Simples e tranquilo com Cytotec

Contra o aborto até precisar dele