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I just had my 3rd son 4 months prior finding out I was pregnant. I got a restraining order against the father 2 months prior finding out I was pregnant. I got verbally abused and car stolen a month before finding out I was pregnant. After 6 years and 2 children I would think I wanted better for myself but I guess I don't but I didn't have his daughter. I wanted a girl so bad but I had an abortion. Hopefully I can find a man that doesn't abuse me and know how to be patient with me because of what he did. I had an abortion because I wanted better for my daughter even if I think I don't for myself.

2020 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri

It was unreal. I expected the pain and blood but I didn't comes to terms with what I was giving up. Until my daughter at 9 weeks and 3 days laid on my right thumb under my tattoo of my first name. The feelings when our eyes connected was terrifying. Such a dark and scary time to have to flush down the daughter I always wanted down the toilet. I didn't expect to see the fetus but I did. I couldn't do anything but scream then quickly cover my mouth because in the next room was my 3 son's and the niece of my children's father. He still doesn't know or I haven't told him that I terminated that pregnancy.

Kürtajınızın yasa dışı olması duygularınızı etkiledi mi?


Diğer insanlar kürtajınıza nasıl tepki gösterdi?

I only told 5 people. None which are blood related. They were supportive knowing the history of my relationship.

Bia Li

Me encontro na cama deitada nesse momento, após ter passado um dia inteiro no…

maly min

Si, yo una vez estuve embarazada, de eso no hace mucho y cuando me entere llore…


La decisión más difícil de mi vida


Medical abortion at 9wks 5days


Decidí sobre mi futuro.


O aborto é uma escolha apenas da MULHER.


J'ai avorté il y a 4 ans et demi

Megan W.

I had an abortion. There has been no complications so far, but don't have a…


El Misotrol salvó mi vida

Natalia M

Yo aborté, y no me arrepiento.


Aún grito perdón

Leonor Leonor

Mi madre quería nietos... Yo solo quiero dejar de recriminarme.


Se puede acceder de forma legal


Tuve suerte...


Experiencia dificil.. Pero inolvidable


porque mi situación económica era pésima, al igual que la de mi pareja, ninguno…


Esta es mi historia: Tengo 35 años y 3 hijos, dos nenas y un varón de 6, 3 y 1…

Lilian Godfrey

I had an abortion twice this year. One was around August, and the second today…


Tout choix à sa difficulté, le tout est d'assumer.