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I had an abortion but had the full support of my lover.

2010 Kosta Rika

I knew it was irresponsible to have a child at that moment but it was still sad and I felt unsure about my decision at first but after I felt sure and knew it was the best decision.

It was very easy to have an abortion with pills, it was gentle and not at all traumatic.

I had already 2 children and had recently began a new relationship and he was not ready for more children, the decision to raise my children as his own was enough for the moment although we knew we would have more children together in the future, we just weren't ready yet.

Kürtajınızın yasadışı olması duygularınızı etkiledi mi?

No, it is illegal in my country but I was confident about my decision.

Başkaları sizin kürtajınıza nasıl tepki verdi?

I did not tell many people, only my very close friends whom I knew would support my decision and not judge me.


Fiz um aborto de aproximadamente 4 semanas e tomei o cytotec que o amigo da…


Mi cuerpo, mi decisión

Mariana Girassol

Esteja segura e tenha apoio de alguem


J'ai arrêté un processus de vie


I had an abortion and I'm so pleased that I had that option. I was only 18…


Something that has carried with me ever since.


Nunca imaginei que tomaria essa decisão, mas foi melhor no momento...


Mi decisión


Se puede acceder de forma legal


Aos 18 anos tive minha primeira experiência com meu namorado,Como tdo…


E no começo me arrependi mas vi que seria a melhor opção, e escrevendo meu…


My abortion was 100% my choice.


Una decisión que se tiñe de lucha


Yo aborte


Fiz um aborto com 13 semanas , não se desespere vai dar tudo certo !

Maria Lopez

pensando en que dirán