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Some may say I was selfish, other may say I'm going to hell, Others may say im a baby killer.. I DONT CARE. I was 19 years old in an abusive relationship with some 10 years my senior... I remember finding out in my girlfriends parents bathroom and crying..... calling my boyfriend and he said wll figure it out and I said there is nothing to figure out, I can't keep it..... He was very support at first.. I remember making the appointment, feeling sad, sick, selfish but relieved knowing it was going to happen and everything was going to be okay... May 9 2012 @ 8:30 AM was the appointment. The phone call the night before from the receptionist telling me I wasn't allowed to drive after the procedure so to make sure to have a safe way of getting home... I remember hanging up and crying of fear, self loathing and hatred.. I woke up in the morning a mess the closer we got to the clinic the better I felt about my decision.. My douche of an ex boyfriend was right by my side the whole time which that I thank him for..... I remember everything like it was yesterday, except the procedure itself.... I remember waking up and not feeling anything negative. Feeling like a weight had be lifted, feeling happy, feeling good! I mourned for a few days and every year around May 9 I get sad and little off. But I know I need to do it for me.. My then boyfriend threw it in my face every chance he got.... Called me a baby killer. Every time he said that I knew I did the right thing... I knew that my baby didn't deserve to grow up in a house that didn't have the love. I don't regret my abortion, I cant imagine having a 3 year old now in my life... I'm to young... I've made really bad decision in my life... This was not one of them.

2012 Kanada

It was nothing I thought it was going to be... I thought everyone at the clinic was going to be cold and judgmental... But it wasn't everyone was sympathetic and loving and sweet and made that day so much easier... I love that I had such an amazing experience and I hate how this isn't the case for women around the world...

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