katrina nicole

Hikayenizi Paylaşın

the only time i look back is to say thank god

2011 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri

You cant pick a feeling because every two second you will switch from feeling over whelmed to relieved.

i took the abortion pill. cramping bleeding and nausea. Partially because i was going through having an abortion and partially because of the stress.

Kürtajınızın yasa dışı olması duygularınızı etkiledi mi?

my abortion was legal even though it didnt feel like it was.

Diğer insanlar kürtajınıza nasıl tepki gösterdi?

People will always judge you & thats what happened to me. I grew up in a very Christian home and everyone around me was very religious. I was taught at an early age that it will kill me or prevent me from having kids later on in life. But thats not the case the man i was with resented me my brother was grossed out my parents thought it was wrong.everyone reacted in such a negative hostile way.


My now husband and I got pregnant the first time we slept together. We were…


Como abortar en una ciudad donde es penalizado el aborto las primeras semanas.


No fue bueno pero fue lo mejor.

Beth Smith

I was with my parter for three and a half years when i fell pregnant. I was…


and I'm so relieved

Anyel. Mtz.

Esto marcó mi vida, pero agradezco a Dios por esta segunda oportunidad


Razem z moich chłopakiem znamy się niecały rok , jest ode mnie młodszy o 4 lata…


I'm in a loving relationship and it wasn't too long ago when I found out I was…

Sofia S

Oi meninas! Meu nome é Sofia, tenho 20 anos e em novembro de 2019 descobri que…


Terminé mi embarazo


Miałam aborcję.

Paula Paula

Miałam aborcję... to była trudna decyzja, nigdy nie zapomnę...


J'ai avorté suite à ma grossesse arrêtée à 8 semaines

มานี ชูใจ

ฉันมีปัญหาหลายด้านไม่ว่าจะเป็นเรื่องครอบครัว การเงิน…


Tuve suerte...


Medical abortion, 19 years old

Emily Mars

O pesadelo de uma gravidez indesejada.


Order right away. Pill will arive after 10 days.


I felt it was accapted to have an abortion