My first abortion took place when I was 19 and the second, when I was 26. I felt no guilt or shame about either and would do it again if necessary.
It was as positive as any surgery can be.
I don't want to have children for the simple reason that I just don't want to.
While my abortion was legal, it angered me that abortion was still governed by provisions in the Crimes Act in the state in which I lived.
My mother and the friends I told were supportive - as were the two boyfriends concerned. I suspect my father would have had issues had he known.
Jestem już przeszło 3 miesiące po aborcji farmakologicznej wykonanej w 6 tc. W…
An abortion in an abusive relationship
La vdd no creo que sea malo soy una mujer casada y tengo un precioso hijo pero…
Hace exactamente 1 año y dos meses. Arranque el 2017 con todo. Supe el día que…
My perception of so many things changed a lot with this experience and realised…
Mis decisiones son las mejores porque son mías.
I had a surgical abortion at Planned Parenthood in Beacon, NY at 4 weeks.
Una decisión consciente de vida
I had an abortion. It was a stressful time, I am glad it is all behind me. My…
Kiedy spóźniła mi się miesiączka ... Wtedy juz wiedziałam że to ciąża .
“I had an abortion” will appear automatically, but please feel free to change…
Nunca hubiera querido estar en esa encrucijada
Wiosną skończyłam 36 lat, ginekolog sugerował, że pigułka antykoncepcyjna to…
This is how it went for me