Lucille 2


I had an abortion. I got pregnant from a brief relationship and very unfortunately as well, because 3 out of 4 times I used protection..It will sound stupid, but I never thought I could get pregnant in the first place, it never happened all these years, I had countless gynecological issues and hormonal imbalance, so I thought it would be a sort of miracle if it ever happened. Yet, it did.. The father is a handsome Irishman, so after I found out about it - well, I felt it all from a very early stage - at first I was happy and grateful to mother nature. Then over a few days I had to face the facts, that it would be hugely difficult in every single way to go through this pregnancy and have this child at this point in my life, and as we were not together with the father of the child either, I realized that my child would have to grow up the same way as I did - without the father..I decided in the end to look for abortion options, and when the right moment came I went through it. It was hard and painful, although thankfully the emotional pain by that point was overwhelmed by the physical one. Now all is well. I really hope that I'll have a chance to have a child again in a few years maybe, when I'm in a steady relationship or at least I have a steady financial background.

2013 ไอร์แลนด์

It was a hard time going through this, because at one point you will feel guilty and blame yourself for everything. But we are not all the same, I think it should be every woman's right to decide about this, our circumstances are not the same and our feelings and personalities are not the same either. I believe that a medical abortion should be available to everyone.

The process itself was really painful, but the safety of my own home instead of a hospital, where you can't be sure how you're looked after, was great it made it a lot easier. I had a friend over with me so that if any complications occurred I could be taken to hospital immediately, but there was no need for it, the pills worked effectively and I was good as new the next day.

No steady job, no steady relationship, no options of getting help raising the child from anyone. I hope at least one of these will change, so I'll have a chance for a baby later.


No it didn't, when you get to the point of making this decision you don't think of this aspect, you just put your faith into it and hope for the best result. I was scared only because of possible complications and how I'd be looked after in the hospital if they occured..


Only 3 people know about it, and they were all totally supportive and understanding. I think this topic is still such a taboo in this country that I'd be negatively judged if anyone else figured out..


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