

No Regrets.

2011 สหรัฐ

I believe every woman should have the right to take control of her body and her reproductive rights. I also don't think women should be plagued with guilt for taking advantage of their options.

I have had 2 abortions. Once, when I was 22, in school, and in a brand new relationship. It was definitely the wrong time in my life to have a child. My first was a medical abortion which I received my medication at my state's only abortion clinic. I at first had feelings of guilt, but never regret. Upon becoming pregnant with the man I love, any feelings of guilt were gone. I knew my decision was best for me, the child I wanted and was ready for, and our family. My daughter is now 6 months old and I am pregnant again. Due to my daughter coming early we are up to our eyeballs in NICU bills, I am unable to work because my daughter cannot attend daycare due to a compromised immune system from being early. My husband has a prescription for Diclofenac/Misoprostol and I decided to terminate my pregnancy by myself.

I have had 2 abortions. Once, when I was 22, in school, and in a brand new relationship. It was definitely the wrong time in my life to have a child. My first was a medical abortion which I received my medication at my state's only abortion clinic. I at first had feelings of guilt, but never regret. Upon becoming pregnant with the man I love, any feelings of guilt were gone. I knew my decision was best for me, the child I wanted and was ready for, and our family. My daughter is now 6 months old and I am pregnant again. Due to my daughter coming early we are up to our eyeballs in NICU bills, I am unable to work because my daughter cannot attend daycare due to a compromised immune system from being early. My husband has a prescription for Diclofenac/Misoprostol and I decided to terminate my pregnancy by myself.


They believed it was my right as a woman.

Leah Frida

Yo aborté! porque es mi derecho!

Matka Winna

Moja historia

Sailor Moon

1. Powody decyzji i dlaczego dziewczyny w mojej sytuacji nie powinny sie czuć…


No estaba segura que iba ser de mi futuro.


I don't regret my abortion.

Mandy Amanda

Hora de recomeçar


Your Dreams Are Real, So Are Abortions.


Never had I thought I would go down this road someday

Daniela Moraes

É fácil defender o aborto das outras. Difícil é decidir quando a gente precisa…


Sendo lactante


Sou dona de mim.


I was 21, and nowhere near ready or willing to carry and birth a child because…

Cindy Rios

Yo aborte porque no estaba en el momento adecuado para tener un hijo, mi madre…

sogoodtobebad stassia

Dziewczyny ! nie bójcie się ! nie taki diabeł straszny jak go malują. Jeżeli…


Spóźniał mi się tydzień okres, więc zrobiłam test wyszedł dodatnio, drugi i…

Julieta Iovaldi Curutchet

Decidí desde el principio no compartir esa experiencia con la pareja de ese…




I had an abortion and I'm so pleased that I had that option. I was only 18…


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