

I had an abortion when I needed it, hassle-free, legal, medically safe, and reimbursed by my health insurance. This should be the norm. I wish to all my sisters, all over the world, to be able to get the same, whenever they need it. Abortion should be decided by the woman herself and no-one else.

1994 สวิตเซอร์แลนด์

Negligence on contraception that caused the pregnancy was on both sides, sex partner was equally responsible. Glad I could get an abortion!

Hassle-free and safe.

un-wished pregnancy


All those I informed (sex partner and close friends) were fully supportive and understanding.


I made the right decision.


Sin duda ha sido la decisión más difícil que he tomado en lo que llevo de vida


This will be my 5th abortion today. This is the first time I've do e it with…


Nie chce się rozczulać. Każda kobieta sama podejmuje tą decyzję ale powinna…


I had an abortion only a few months ago. I'm 30, a praticing Christian, a…


Tome una decision


I am having an abortion as I am writing this, at home with cytotec…


I woke up in bed, and thought this is a new beginning for him and I. I could…


Pregnancy and abortion - what a trip.

Sin GLORIA pero sin PENA

Yo soy dueña de mi jardín,YO RIEGO,YO CORTO.


I felt very guilty but relieved . I was way too young to be a mother.

Clara Souza

Goataria de compartilhar essa experiência com vocês para dizer fiquem…

Ana Vargas

Mi aborto lo hice a los 14años hoy tengo una hija de 23 años y un hijo de 17…


And it was just fine. I had just turned 20, and was living in a rented room in…

Liz Price

I had an abortion


I had an abortion, so that I could heal.