

I had an abortion

2007 ฟิลิปปินส์ (เกิดที่ Philippines)

Writing on behalf of my fiance. She was taking fertility-type drug to regulate her period prior to our marriage. Seven weeks before my arrival in her country she was raped and impregnated. there is no abortion available in the Philippines, and I could not obtain a visa to get her out to obtain one. Women on the Web helped us obtain RU486. We experienced some complications and had to go for medical help, bt the procedure worked and we are relieved. We had dreams of a beautiful wedding and starting a family, but the rape and resulting pregnancy shattered our lives. In her contry, if a woman survives the rape she didn't fight hard enough and both she and spouse are saddled with shame. Because of her religious and cultural beliefs, an abortion was a tough choice for her, but we were grateful to have the choice and she decided it was the best alternative. Without Women on the Web we would have had NO choice, and consider their services a blessing from God. We will have many tough days ahead because of the rape, but thank God we don't have to deal with an unwanted pregnancy on top of all the other problems.

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Yo aborte


No había otra opción.


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