

This isn't my first abortion.... :'( My second one I am currently scheduled for...

2015 สหรัฐ

My feeling about abortion.... Of the government took better care of its people abortions would not need to happen unless its a medical reason.... More and more people are having abortions because of finantil issues.... And that is a shame. That says alot about the government we let rule us... Souless creatures the government is...

I felt safe. They cared for me. They told me that it is okay. That it is my choice and a wise choice. I had barely any money to pay for the abortion process, so I had to borrow money from family. In the end. I was happy because everything worked out well and safe.

The baby would have had no father. And I was an orphan in Russia and did not want to send my child for adoption or an orphanage.. because I know how both are. I was adopted twice and once by a very bad American Family. I wish not for my child to have a life filled with hate towards "humans" like I have developed. If I have a child, I want the child to have a loving family.


I do not understand this question.


There was protesters outside the clinic I went to. They were telling me "I will go to hell" and "There are people who can help you woth your baby" .... I hate those protesters because they made me feel like I did something bad!!!


I was twenty years old, terrified, and completely alone.

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It isn't and shouldn't be as taboo as it is made out to be.

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Most difficult choice I’ve ever made


Se fosse legalizado, sofreria menos. Seria diferente


Sin remordimientos


I had an abortion