Patricia Bronstein


I was married and had known since an early age that I did not want to be a mother. We were using birth control, but this time it did not work. I was lucky that abortion was legal then. I went to a clinic in Manhattan. This was in about 1977. My husband was away and I never told him.

1977 สหรัฐ

Fine. Not too painful.


My sister gave me a party that night, many of my friends attended and were all supportive


It isn't and shouldn't be as taboo as it is made out to be.


....because my pregnancy was unexpected and I did not want another child. My…

maly min

Si, yo una vez estuve embarazada, de eso no hace mucho y cuando me entere llore…


Mi experiencia


Too selfish, and ok with that for now.

Bryann Turner

It was the right decision for me at this time.


Calma, eu sei seu desespero. VAI DAR TUDO CERTO! #FORÇA


Może jestem bez serca ale niczego nie żałuję. ja chyba nie nadaję się na matkę…


Uwolniłam się od piekła i zyskałam szansę na szczęście


Miałam aborcję. I nie jestem z tego dumna.
19 lutego 2020 roku zrobiłam test…


Hace exactamente 1 año y dos meses. Arranque el 2017 con todo. Supe el día que…


Spóźniał mi się tydzień okres, więc zrobiłam test wyszedł dodatnio, drugi i…


Wszystko zaczęło sie dosyć banalnie i nic nie zwiastowało, że wkrótce mogę sie…

Angel M

To była 3 ciąża nieplanowana i niechciana, przede wszystkim przeze mnie. Głupia…


Enfim,tudo começou em Outubro. Tive relações sexuais com meu parceiro fixo (Meu…


Medical abortion at 9wks 5days

Bia Li

Me encontro na cama deitada nesse momento, após ter passado um dia inteiro no…