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I had a surgical abortion at Planned Parenthood in Beacon, NY at 4 weeks. Neither my partner nor I wanted to have a child. There were no protesters at the location and staff were all professional and kind. Medicaid covered the costs and I did not pay anything out of pocket.

I do not regret this decision.

2007 United States

This was not a difficult decision, but it is one I don't ever want to have to make again.

The procedure itself was painful and sad, but I had support from close friends and a good friend brought me to the clinic and spent time with me. Surgical vacuum aspiration abortion early in the first trimester is very safe, and I would recommend it as an option over carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term.

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The people in my life who are important to me were supportive. It was a minor procedure since it was detected early, so recovery time was minimal.

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한국에 계신 분들 걱정마십쇼!! 낙심하시 마시고 자신을 믿으세요!


“I had an abortion” will appear automatically, but please feel free to change…


Abortar es tu elección!


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