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I had an abortion. And I would do it again, if I was me at that time back then in my life. I do not regret it. It was about my body which only I, myself, can decide on. It is better to abort then being pregnant with and giving birth to a child who has to live with the fact that it is unwanted and unloved. This does not mean to do whatever you please. I am accountable for all my actions.

1989 Nepal (född i Switzerland)

20 years after, I still feel this was the right decision at that time. I cannot recommend it as it is a serious surgery. Any other method in not getting pregnant is better. However, if the circumstances do lead to that stage and you have to have or feel you have to have the abortion, then do it. It is your body, your decision, it is you only who has to live with the decision. Noone else has the right to decide over your body. It is you only, who knows what is best for you and for this unborn child. But think through the consequences of your action which ever decision you take and be accountable for your decision all your life.

I was very very lucky that I found the right person who did the abortion for me.

I was very young and did not realise that I was pregnant. I thought, with stopping the pill that I had very unregular periods. I was in an unstable relationship with a man from a very different cultural background and country. I was not sure what the future would be. I was travelling at that time and when I felt sick for several days I went to the hospital where I eventually found out that I was pregnant. I was given a private doctor's address and went there. The doctor was very nice but spoke earnestly to me about the abortion and my decision and what this all meant. When I came out from anaesthesia I felt very weak but eventually I recovered well. I was very lucky as the abortion must have taken place in the 12th week of gestation.

Påverkade olagligheten i din abort dina känslor?

I assume it was illegal. but i did not ask at the time and i had the money to pay for the surgery. I was afraid for sure. But I knew I had to do it.

Hur reagerade andra på din abort?

I did not tell many people at that time.


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