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Mixed feelings. Was scared about the pain after hearing a few horror stories. And yes the pain is intense. I found pain medication and a heat pad relieved me slightly. I was 7 weeks when I had my medical abortion. Took the first tablet then 48hours later held he next four under my tounge. Within 30mins I felt really nauses, i felt like I need to vomit but didn't. Then the pain started and went within an hour. Felt like the longest hour ever! I felt comfortable on the bathroom floor I don't know why our how but it was amazing to lie down on the cold tile beside the toilet. The pain was how I would presume contractions would feel. The pain would become extremely painful then stopped for less than a minute then pain again. i began to feel the pain decreasing and was actually able to stand I felt like I needed to push and so I sat on the toilet and a few blood clots came out. I lay down and had a huge blanket round me applied the heat pad onto my tummy so I was comfy set my alarm for the next two tablets which were 4 hours after. Took them and then slept until the next day. I felt like nothing had happened the bleeding was not heavy and I was worried it didn't work. I bled for nearly 2 weeks then it stopped. No longer had pregnancy symptoms and have had a period a month after the abortion. So I does take time. I worried myself thinking it didn't work but I feel great now. And relieved it's over! Anyone that is reading good luck with your experience and just find that inner strength and it will get you through x

Påverkade olagligheten i din abort dina känslor?


Hur reagerade andra på din abort?

A little doubtful about it but eventually Accepted my decision


yo decidi un aborto,


Saya masih duduk di kelas 3 SMA saat melakukan aborsi. Saya sudah pacaran…


Mi cuerpo, mi decisión

Anna Cavalcante

Olá, o meu nome é Anna, eu fiquei grávida aos 18 anos, e devido à minha idade


O aborto é uma escolha apenas da MULHER.


My abortion was what needed to be done at that time. Deep down me I know I…


Primeiro, Calma!

Vamos lá, tenho 31 anos um filho de 7.
Voltei a me relacionar…


Yo aborté y fue una experiencia de empoderamiento.

Maria Lopez

pensando en que dirán


yo aborté y quiero contar mi experiencia...


Finding Healing


Wieść o ciąży była dla mnie szokiem, ale mogłam się jej spodziewać bo niestety…


Uratowałam sobie życie


El día de ayer aborté


Por siempre y para siempre en mi mente.


Fiz um aborto com 8 semanas. Eu me envolvi com um colega de trabalho, por um…

yunni lee

yo aborte. por mi situación económica, por tener otro hijo, porque estudio y…