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I had an abortion about seven years ago when I was 16. I was in an abusive relationship and I know that if I were to have the baby, it means that I will have to marry my abusive boyfriend. I decided to had an abortion for the sake of my own safety and the baby itself. I know I wouldn't be able to support the baby myself, and I know things are going to be worsens if I had to marry the baby daddy. Now I have a Masters degree, and a well-paying job, because I could focus on myself and fixing my issues. I will always cherish the memory I have during the pregnancy and will always love the baby in secrecy.

2013 Indonesia

I was sad, because I wish this wasn't the circumstance. I always wanted to be a mother, but I had to understand that motherhood wasn't easy. I felt relieved because with the abortion I am able to escape the abusive relationship.

It was painful, like an extremely painful period. Make sure that you have someone with you during the abortion since you lost a lot of blood.

I am depressed and I couldn't even support myself

Ovplyvnila nezákonnosť vášho potratu vaše pocity?

No, it doesn't

Ako reagovali na váš potrat iní ľudia?

I only told my ex boyfriend's mother because she understands that her son are acting abusive towards me. She was reluctant and as a devout Christian she was angry at first, however she supported me after she hear me out.


porque mi situación económica era pésima, al igual que la de mi pareja, ninguno…


My now husband and I got pregnant the first time we slept together. We were…

Embrace So

aku aborsi karena aku tidak ingin mengecewakan banyak orang. pasangan saya sama…


I had a surgical, had two kids, and then had medical abortion.


Sin duda ha sido la decisión más difícil que he tomado en lo que llevo de vida


Made me who I am today


Y lo volvería a hacer, habia terminado con mi ex pololoy el era super…


No dia 28 de outubro de 2018, fazia uma semana que eu vomitava todos os dias ao…


My first pregnancy came quite unexpectedly. I was 17 and my boyfriend and I had…


Fiz um aborto de aproximadamente 4 semanas e tomei o cytotec que o amigo da…


J'ai avorté suite à ma grossesse arrêtée à 8 semaines

Fernanda Santos

Tentativa de aborto/Gravides tubária Sem saber!!! 7 semanas!
Reencontrei um ex


My abortion was NOT THAT PAINFUL. Don't believe in the horror stories!

F. B

Vivi 2 meses em um pesadelo

sandrusia020 G*********

W sumie to sama nie wiem od czego zacząć.. moja cała historia rozpoczęła się od…


Então minha disponibilidade para este relato se fez para encorajar todas…

Giovana Cardoso

Fiz um aborto com 10 semanas e 2 dias de gestação


Antes de hacer cualquier cosa infórmate muy bien para tomar la decisión…


Não me arrependo!