Kristina Brandon

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‪#‎StandWithPP‬ I never wanted kids. I got pregnant in college when I was 17. It was within the first 3 months of a horrid relationship. I had no job, no car, no license, and still lived with my parents. They were completely disappointed but also very uneducated on the matters of abortion. I was too. I vomited from the first day to the last. I was hospitalized 6 times during my pregnancy because I didn't want to be pregnant. The doctors all said my body was treating it as the flu. I was put on several vomiting meds and carried an ice cream bucket to college to puke in. My labor was induced at 37 weeks. It was a very hard labor. I had blood clots and pushed four hours to no avail. Finally she was born happy and healthy. Her father/donor hasn't been a part of her life. He was physically and emotionally abusive, on drugs, and is constantly in and out of jail. My parents raised my daughter while I worked and went to college. I was devastated, confused, and scared.
I fell for a guy at college. My daughter was 6 months old. We stayed together for 3yrs. Within that time I miscarried once and was hospitalized. The doctors told me it was most likely caused by endometriosis. I was ashamed to have gotten pregnant again within a year of having a child. I chose to be put on depovera the birth control shot. my boyfriend and i got married after he graduated from the marines. We tried to conceive because we were happy and financially stable. After 9 months of marriage he left suddenly in the night while my daughter and I slept. With him he took everything. The first income tax check we filed jointly the day before, the only vehicle we had, even diapers. Three days later...the worst happened. I found out I was pregnant like we planned. News that was supposed to finally be good. A pregnancy we wanted. A chance at normal life...a family. But again I had no job because of a recent move, was a single mother all over again, battling an unwanted divorce, dealing with bad health, and was without a vehicle.
My husband paid for an abortion over the phone like the coward he is. I went through with it with support from friends. It was medically necessary and I'm not ashamed of it. I made a choice for mine and my daughter's lives. The hardest part of my decision was all the judgment to come. I live is a small town. Information spreads like wildfire. I live in the bible belt. Religion was used so much against me and thrown in my face so much it actually changed the way I believe. I've had horrible things said to me. All with an audience standing behind them....sticking up for them and their hatred. People have told me I'm a bad mother, who doesn't deserve my daughter, that I'm going to hell, and that I'm a baby killer. My abortion was at 6weeks and 3 days. Before the procedure, I had an ultrasound. No heart beat arms or legs or anything was on that screen. I know because I saw it and spoke to my nurse about it. My decision was right for my life. I very well could have died trying to continue it or brought a child into this world suffering from disabilities. A child I didn't want nor could afford. A child again with no father. I would be a 22 year old divorced mother of 2. If I lived. I made a choice. I will never be ashamed.
The everyday struggle of someone finding out or judging based on uneducated and biased logic is real. No woman going through what I did should ever be compared to a woman that murders her already born living breathing feeling baby. Ever. There is a difference. I'm tired of abortion being a bad word. I want to be able to tell my story without losing friends, family, jobs or being looked at as a murderer. ‪#‎IstandwithPP‬ This is why I chose to tell my story.‪#‎Shoutyourabortion‬

2013 United States

I felt so horrified at my situation. I was sad bc i wanted the pregnancy and because my husband left i had no means to continue. I was incredibly sad at the circumstances. So relieved i was able to abort. It possibly saved my life.

I chose the most expensive type of abortion hoping that it would for sure make me not pregnant anymore and i was also afraid of pain... it was paid for by someone else..

I have endometriosis and almost died during a miscarriage the year before this particular pregnancy.

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Fortunately it was legal but i still had a waiting period of about a week. Also i was forced to undergo counseling before hand. Im a responsible woman who knew what i wanted. Its insulting to have to undergo waiting periods and mandatory counseling.

Ako reagovali na váš potrat iní ľudia?

I was told i shouldn't have custody of my daughter because i couldn't be a good mother given that i had an abortion.

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I had a surgical abortion at Planned Parenthood in Beacon, NY at 4 weeks.


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