
Share your story

Strength & Solidarity

2016 Ирландия

I felt afraid before, afraid what it would feel like and if something went wrong what would happen, but I also felt strong and determined and today I feel happy, grateful, proud of who I was and amazed by the amazing women on web supporting fellow women, and all women out there who struggle and succeed despite the odds,

I am so grateful to, without their help, my life would look very different right now. I realised I was pregnant, whilst abortion was still illegal in Ireland, I was in an abusive relationship, coercive control etc and had I not made the decision to contact women on & been helped by them so well, every step of the way, I would have a very different life right now. I am lucky in that the abortion itself for me, was painless, nothing more of a heavy period, I was scared first but everything was okay. I am also lucky that I never regretted my decision, I seen a Mum and her baby in the park a few weeks later and remember feeling affirmed that that was not something I was ready for, at that point in my life, and I am lucky I have been able to leave my abuser and lucky I do not have his child as I would therefore never fully be free, I can't express enough solidarity and strength to all women out there, you will be okay, I hope you have some support, I thank women on web for the support they provided & their communication, thank you, you helped me to make the right decision for me, which could have impacted my life forever

age, stress in life, mental health, lack of security and support in life, abusive partner

Незаконность аборта повлияла на ваши чувства?

no, other then fear of repurcussion/access to medical care/inability to be honest with my local gp etc

Как другие люди отреагировали на ваш аборт?



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Alma en busca de libertad


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Mi experiencia con oxaprost, 9 semanas


Tuve que hacerlo

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It isn't and shouldn't be as taboo as it is made out to be.


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I had an abortion. It was a stressful time, I am glad it is all behind me. My…