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An abortion in an abusive relationship

2015 Соединенное Королевство

It was scary and painful like anything invasive and medical tends to be. But I cried with relief with womenonweb could help me. I'm so grateful to the people who make this site possible and hopeful that other women can access these resources as safely as I could.

Незаконность аборта повлияла на ваши чувства?

I was nervous solely because I didn't want my abuser to find out but completely relieved that it was possible to carry out discretely and safely in my home.

Как другие люди отреагировали на ваш аборт?

My brother is the only person who knew, he helped me to carry out the abortion in my flat and keep my abusive partner distracted.


A los 19 años , no me arrepiento de haber tomado esta desicion. Fue un…


Voltei a ser livre!!


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I had Three Abortions.

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j´ai eu un avortement

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O pesadelo de uma gravidez indesejada.


Sin remordimientos


Já fiz quatro: 2004, 2005, 2009 e 2015




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