Louise Harper

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I have had two abortions. One at the age of 22 which I paid privately for at 9 weeks gestation, and one at age 38 which I had through the NHS at 8 weeks gestation. By no means was this an easy option as many people think but I 100% made the right choice and definitely have no regrets. On both occasions I had no hesitation with choosing a termination and had vacuum aspiration under general anaesthetic. No complications, very little pain and no lasting effects. On the first one there were protesters outside but it made no difference to me at all. It is my life, my body, my choice.

Never feel bad for making this decision for yourself as you won’t regret it. Once you have been and had it done you will feel relief and nothing but gratitude for having been unburdened. It isn’t pleasant to have to terminate but it is the right thing to do when you are in no place to be bringing up a child.

We have the right as women to choose.

I feel no guilt, no regret, no post-abortion psychosis, nothing. I am lucky to be able to access the services I did.

Never stay silent and never be ashamed. YOUR body, YOUR choice.

2015 Соединенное Королевство

Didn’t feel guilty but felt like I was ‘old enough to know better’. This passed once the operation was completed. I have not looked back. Not once.

Pain free as I was unconscious. After pain was minimal. Hardly any bleeding.

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My partner was supportive. My parents disapproved. Didn’t matter to me as it was my choice.


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