Teresa Lanza

Share your story

(born in Bolivia)

Cuando enfrente un embarazo inoportuno, tuve que abortar. Despues planifique mis embarazos y fui feliz...soy feliz!!!
Estoy segura que el aborto en cualquier parte del mundo es un derecho basico de las mujeres...


w wieku 20 lat. Byłam za młoda, mam wielkie plany na przyszłość, nie chciałam…


I had an abortion.


i'm irish, i had an abortion while living in the netherlands.


I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


J'ai avorté quand j'avais 18 ans. Je ne le regrette pas, je suis fière d'avoir…

lizbeth aparicio

I had an abortion yo quiero abortar porq no siempre se tiene calculadas las…


I had an abortion I’m not mad about all the soul-baring on the internet, but I…


Miałam aborcję.

Megan W.

I had an abortion. There has been no complications so far, but don't have a…

Regina Powell

I had an abortion and I'm about to have another.


I had an abortion


O dono do meu corpo e do meu destino sou eu, e não a sociedade hipócrita e…


I had an abortion when I was 15 years old. After my abortion, I went to college

Eléonore Delmas

I had an abortion

Ewa Izabela

I am pro-choice

elizabet campos

aborte hace 3 semanas y tenia un embarazo de 3 semanas nose aun si fue la…


Kobieto, jeśli zaszłaś w niechcianą ciążę, to nie wahaj się ani chwili. WOW…


Yo interrumpí mi embarazo...


I had an abortion. It was in October of 2008, when I was 21. The guy I was…