
Deel je ervaring


2020 Ierland

I knew I wanted the abortion and I am happy with my decision but it was beyond hard under the circumstances and I still feel like Irish oppression and shame makes me feel like I should feel bad for getting an abortion but I don't feel bad at all, I just feel like it should be kept hush hush and only a small handful of My friends know and my partner and none of my family know.

It was described to me as it would be a heavy period and it was awful the pain after taking the second tablet shocked me to my core it was horrible I couldn't move I just lay there in pain taking so many painkillers.

It was the middle of the pandemic and Ireland was still in lockdown and I had just had coronavirus and I was still recovering. I had been made redundant in March from my job and my partner also wasn't working due to the pandemic.

Hoe reageerden andere mensen op je abortus?

Shocked, like I shouldn't have told them. Alot of Irish shame and guilt around the fact. I felt like it happy of be a secret even though the people I told would have all supported repealing the 8th amendment in Ireland to all safe and legal abortions for the first time in Ireland ever.

Bryann Turner

It was the right decision for me at this time.

Hattie Ladd

I have had two abortions. The first one was when I was 20 and the second when I…


Ser mamá por elección, no a la fuerza.

Dulcinea Vázquez

Las pastillas tardaron un poco mas de 3 horas en hacer efecto, no presenté…


Yo aborté


seria diferente se fosse legalizado


Kiedy zobaczyłam dwie kreski na teście ciążowym przeraziłam się. Mam już dwójkę…


Fiz um aborto com 8 semanas. Eu me envolvi com um colega de trabalho, por um…


I want to change the world.


My now husband and I got pregnant the first time we slept together. We were…


mifepristona + misoprostol


Miałam aborcje, nie chce streszczać mojej historii, bo każda kobieta wie kiedy…


Fiz um aborto porque adoro crianças e acredito que só podemos deixar um…

Anyel. Mtz.

Esto marcó mi vida, pero agradezco a Dios por esta segunda oportunidad




J'ai arrêté un processus de vie


Fiz um aborto - E foi a melhor decisão que eu podia ter tomado para a minha…


Esta es mi historia: Tengo 35 años y 3 hijos, dos nenas y un varón de 6, 3 y 1…