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I had an abortion, so that I could heal.

2015 Sweden

The pregnancy itself was mixed with emotions for me. My first reaction was happiness which suddenly became sadness and me worrying about the near future. During the weeks before my abortion I went trough all kinds of emotions and after the abortion I had a feeling of emptiness, but was also relieved. But me and my boyfriend at the time went to all the appointments together and "shared" the experience as much as possible, which made it easier.

My abortion was necessary - I was by the time being depressed. Me and my boyfriend at the time had just met and we to spend more time together - just the two of us. My abortion was done in a hospital, with pills, and even though I was very sad, I was safe and did not feel ashamed in any way. I was supported by friend and family. Even though I want to be a mother one day, I do not regret my abortion. Instead, I think it was a possibility for me to heal from mental illness without anyone else getting hurt in the process.

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I felt very supported by my friends and family. They never judged me and showed respect for my decision, whatever it would be.

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