
Pasidalinti savo istorija

I can now carry on with life.

2013 New Zealand

i was glad of what i was doing. i was angry at having to wait for the medical tests and considered asking my first to do one for me because i had to wait for lost of testing.

I was under general anesthesia so i was out of it. my mum was able to walk me all the way to the theater and when i woke up she was beside me. i was so relieved it was over when i woke up and because of the pain medication i was a bit high and i yelled 'im not pregnnt im so happy!!'

Ar jūsų abortų neteisėtumas paveikė jūsų jausmus?

No, even if it was illegal i would have found a way to have it.

Kaip kiti žmonės reagavo į jūsų abortą?

My family was supportive. My boyfriend was totally absent and refused to discuss it. He wanted to shirk responsibility.

Jedna z Tysiecy

Kiedy nie chcesz dziecka, i wiesz, ze tak musi byc.

gdy twoj ex partner z…


Tuve suerte...

Вика а

I had an abortion я сделала аборт и не жалею. это бил правильный выбор. Я…

Yasmin Lara

Bom,eu encontrei vários relatos e quis deixar o meu bom eu tenho só 17 anos e…


I had Three Abortions.


Mam 20 lat i zupełnie nie byłam przygotowana na ciąże.
Ja i mój chłopak…


Friday, July 13th, 2012
Hmm, he was supposed to be here by now… I sigh…


I had 2 abortions

Aguaperdida Pam

Fue una decisión muy difícil pero estoy segura de que fue la mejor.
Un embarazo


To była moja decyzja!

Regina Powell

I had an abortion and I'm about to have another.


I had an abortion and now feel I have 10kgs off my shoulders alone, a little…


I had an abortion and I'm so pleased that I had that option. I was only 18…


Uwolniłam się od piekła i zyskałam szansę na szczęście

Sylvie Shene

A Life-Saving Experience


Miałam aborcję i nie żałuję! Znowu czuję, że żyję. Opowiem wam w skrócie moją…

Angy :)

I decided to have an abortion, it wasnt easy but it was the best decision


Medical abortion, 19 years old

Ezzah candra

Untuk kebaikan semua anggota keluarga