
Pasidalinti savo istorija

I had an abortion when I was 15 years old. After my abortion, I went to college, served in AmeriCorps, worked with at-risk teens, traveled the globe, and left the country to work with youth abroad. My life has been so full and so beautiful, and I am fortunate to have been able to make all of my choices, to have followed every one of my dreams. I did not allow myself to be trapped by an unwanted pregnancy before I was even old enough to take care of myself, and that choice was the foundation for all of the rest.


grateful, fortunate, committed

I had a twilight procedure at the Bread & Roses Woman's Health Center in Clearwater, Florida. Everyone was kind to me, from the waiting room to the recovery room. The procedure itself was painless, and a nurse held my hand through everything.

I was fifteen years old. I didn't want to be a mother while I was still a child.

Kaip kiti žmonės reagavo į jūsų abortą?

My family was disappointed that I was pregnant, but they supported my abortion. My boyfriend's family did as well. I think they were all a bit relieved. Teen parenting is hard on young mothers and new grandparents alike.

Mariafe Fer

Mi buena experiencia con el Misoprostol en un pais donde es ilegal abortar…


Estava grávida de quase 12 semanas.


Po porodzie miałam postanowienie, wiecej dzieci nie chcę, mój ginekolog dobrze…


Pomimo zastosowanej antykoncepcji, zaszłam w ciążę. Brałam tabletki.


fui libre respecto esta decision


Ser mamá por elección, no a la fuerza.

Pam Map

Yo lo hice no me arrepiento para nada y agradezco a este sitio por haberme…

Ana Monteiro

Primeiramente, gostaria de dizer para você que procura por esses depoimentos


Fiz um aborto com 13 semanas , não se desespere vai dar tudo certo !


I was lucky enough to be able to have an NHS surgical termination at 8 weeks.


Może jestem bez serca ale niczego nie żałuję. ja chyba nie nadaję się na matkę…

Grace Grace

Y no existe arrepentimiento.

Paola XD

Yo aborté en Chile, donde es ilegal. Tengo 29 años. Lo hice con medicamentos, a…


Something that has carried with me ever since.

Abril Violeta

cuando tenía 24 años, recién terminaba la licenciatura, estaba desempleada, en…


Hice lo mejor que pude, estando bajo toda la presión del mundo.

Renata k

Fiz um aborto, foi uma escolha. Apesar do medo, foi muito tranquilo e não me…


Descobri que estava grávida no dia do meu aniversário, na época, sem nenhum…