United Kingdom
I was scared when I found out i was pregnant and felt very irresponsable.
It wasn't a 'good' experience as a whole,. but I felt very little discomfort. With just one supportive person i got through it okay
Ar jūsų abortų neteisėtumas paveikė jūsų jausmus?
Kaip kiti žmonės reagavo į jūsų abortą?
My mum was disapointed and tried to convince me otherwise, but after explaining to her that i wasn't ready, she seemed to understand more.
Abortar era la decisión que debía tomar...
It's 2:25AM as I write this. I had two pills of misoprostol at 11PM. Been…
I had 2 abortiona in the space of a year...
was 20 nearrly 21 i hadnt had a…
I didn't intend it to, but safe, legal abortion played a huge part in my family…
I had 3 abortions and as a medical student, I helped preform several abortions…
Yo decido, yo hago lo que quiero con mi cuerpo y nadie tiene porque decirme…
Aborto seguro, entorno amoroso
This website gave me the confidence that I could do it. It gave me all the…
Stosowałam pigułki i nie zwróciłam uwagi na to, że problemy żołądkowe mogły…
E foi uma das decisões mais difíceis da minha vida .
Oi meninas,eu tenho 26 anos…
I had a surgical, had two kids, and then had medical abortion.
An abortion in an abusive relationship
Miałam aborcję, udało się i nie żałuję.