
Pasidalinti savo istorija

I had an abortion 6 months ago.My boyfriend and I were not ready to have a baby. The process failed at first so I had to take a second dose of the misoprotol pills at 2mnths into the pregnancy. I had the first dose at around 3weeks into my pregnancy but I had taken them wrongly so didn't work at first. It wasn't easy and has never been easy but I feel I made the right choice for my life.


Am guilty of not giving that creature a chance to live. I feel relieved because at least I won't have to deal with the responsibilities that come in handy. I feel trapped because if I get out of my current relationship I don't think I will ever talk about my abortion to my next guy. That maybe I would get myself in that same situation with another guy.

Horrifying... I bled for 2weeks and experienced a lot of pain. I wouldn't want to go back there again.

Ar jūsų abortų neteisėtumas paveikė jūsų jausmus?

Yes because the society has this negative view towards those of us who've had abortions. I don't even think I'll ever tell my parents about it. The society's perception makes me guilty and sad but I just have to move on with my life.

Kaip kiti žmonės reagavo į jūsų abortą?

My friends were supportive though some acted shocked but were really good at hiding it.


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