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2003 United States

Almost ten years later and I still have incredibly conflicting emotions. I am at peace with my decision and find comfort within my personal faith that I made the right choice. But I was born and raised in the South so I will always have those voices in the back of my head saying "You are a bad person!". Mostly though I think about women where abortion is illegal. I'm so grateful that my conflict over this was a moral one, not a legal one, and I think that's how it should always be!

It's was as supportive and non-traumatic as they could make it. Actually, the doctor that delivered me as a child was the doctor who did the procedure. It made me trust him immediately because my mom had always loved him and she told me he had been an advocate for a woman's right to choose since before it was legal.

I am bi-polar and have been on medications for that since I was 14. I became sexually active at 16 and it wasn't until I was 21 and became pregnant, that I found out how dangerous those medications are to become pregnant on. I was told that I most likely would miscarry and if I didn't the child would live a short, miserable life. I had no health insurance and it was a decision I never should have had to make.

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I told no one other than close family and friends so they were supportive but I feel like it's thought of as a 'secret' that no one talks about.

Uma Mulher

Pra mim, fazer um aborto foi um ato de responsabilidade


I want to change the world.

Sun Flower

Me, and my guy friend had just found out I was pregnant, though he was super…


10 years ago, at age 32, I had an abortion. The pregnancy was unplanned and I…


Interrumpi mi embarazo de un mes y medio


I had an abortion, so that I could heal.


I had a 'NO SHAME' abortion


I got pregnant at age 44 after a birth control failure. I am so blessed to…


I did it because as a female that is my right to control my body no man or…


Yo aborte


My abortion was 100% my choice.

Ania anonimowa

Odpowiednia pora.

ana ana

i do love you my baby. but the moment now, is not right. i did this because i…


I had an abortion 6 months ago.My boyfriend and I were not ready to have a baby.

A .

16 semanas de terror


My perception of so many things changed a lot with this experience and realised…


Fue la mejor decicion para todos pero eso no cambia que yo amaba a mi bebe

Felicia Ríos

Yo elegí y aborté


I have had two abortions