Sofia Ignatius

당신의 이야기를 공유합니다

I had abortion n all went well

2014 Namibia

Could not realy describe it

Did not know anything til the time i got the pills and read the paper inside n the e mail tht was sent to m

Cannot raise a baby alone

낙태의 불법 성이 감정에 영향을 미쳤습니까?

Not at all

다른 사람들은 당신의 낙태에 대해 어떻게 반응 했습니까?



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A tal história do “ engravidei por acidente” é real!


I had an abortion.


Miałam aborcję

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Las pastillas tardaron un poco mas de 3 horas en hacer efecto, no presenté…


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A veces es necesario.


Eu sou muito nova e fim. Esse é o motivo principal. Tenho só 15, e o pai da…

CJ Koivuniemi

I had an abortion. I was twenty years old and living in Ireland, a country…


I had a 'NO SHAME' abortion


No Regrets.


Y aunque todos los días piense que podría haber sido, fue la mejor decisión…