
당신의 이야기를 공유합니다

No Regrets.

2011 United States

I believe every woman should have the right to take control of her body and her reproductive rights. I also don't think women should be plagued with guilt for taking advantage of their options.

I have had 2 abortions. Once, when I was 22, in school, and in a brand new relationship. It was definitely the wrong time in my life to have a child. My first was a medical abortion which I received my medication at my state's only abortion clinic. I at first had feelings of guilt, but never regret. Upon becoming pregnant with the man I love, any feelings of guilt were gone. I knew my decision was best for me, the child I wanted and was ready for, and our family. My daughter is now 6 months old and I am pregnant again. Due to my daughter coming early we are up to our eyeballs in NICU bills, I am unable to work because my daughter cannot attend daycare due to a compromised immune system from being early. My husband has a prescription for Diclofenac/Misoprostol and I decided to terminate my pregnancy by myself.

I have had 2 abortions. Once, when I was 22, in school, and in a brand new relationship. It was definitely the wrong time in my life to have a child. My first was a medical abortion which I received my medication at my state's only abortion clinic. I at first had feelings of guilt, but never regret. Upon becoming pregnant with the man I love, any feelings of guilt were gone. I knew my decision was best for me, the child I wanted and was ready for, and our family. My daughter is now 6 months old and I am pregnant again. Due to my daughter coming early we are up to our eyeballs in NICU bills, I am unable to work because my daughter cannot attend daycare due to a compromised immune system from being early. My husband has a prescription for Diclofenac/Misoprostol and I decided to terminate my pregnancy by myself.

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