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2013 Canada

I am sure when I am ready to have a child that it will be the same soul I will raise. I am in understanding that the soul is given to a child by those around and I think I will still bring that same child to life, but at a better... more stable time.

I'm very fortunate. It was easy to get to, there wasn't people picketing outside. I wasn't hassled once and there were lots of other girls the same day and they were open minding as well. It was a very helpful and warm place. I felt like I was getting prepped to go into a spa. I don't remember much of the procedure because of the drugs but I was only at the clinic for two hours. I was asked about payment or anything and they offered trials of BC.

다른 사람들은 당신의 낙태에 대해 어떻게 반응 했습니까?

I only told my bestfriend from the states first. I wasn't going to tell my boyfriend. I called the clinic and made the appointment first and then decided to tell my boyfriend the next day. He held my hand and didn't have much to say. He never once said he wanted it or didn't want it, he just supported me.


No estaba segura que iba ser de mi futuro.




The 10 weeks I was pregnant were the happiest weeks of my life. My husband


Decyzja o aborcji była najcięższą do tej pory..


It was the right thing to do.

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Yo aborte, pero aunque no me siento orgullosa, tampoco me arrepiento.


Nunca arrepentida


Ser solidária com quem abortou e defender a descriminalização jamais me fez…

Lorena Lore

Yo aborte con 5 semanas de gestacion !! No ago responsable a nadie yo me ago…

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I had an abortion. I was twenty years old and living in Ireland, a country…

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I had an abortion. I got pregnant from a brief relationship and very…

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I had an abortion when i was 19 yrs . I last saw my period in December till…


I was 44 years old and already had 2 children. The pregnancy was an accident…

Nami Tibbers

Não vi outra opção. Então tomei coragem e optei por um aborto.


Yo interrumpí un embarazo no deseado.


I had an abortion, Yo aborte, Apoyo la libertad de elegir sin tabues. Si bien…