Yo aborté.
Desde que supe que estaba embarazada, mi único pensamiento siempre fue: quiero abortar.
Positiva, excelente.
No quería ser mamá.
낙태의 불법 성이 감정에 영향을 미쳤습니까?
다른 사람들은 당신의 낙태에 대해 어떻게 반응 했습니까?
Nie miałam innego wyjścia. Jeszcze do niedawna miałam męża, dwójkę dzieci i…
I had an abortion. It was in October of 2008, when I was 21. The guy I was…
Saya masih duduk di kelas 3 SMA saat melakukan aborsi. Saya sudah pacaran…
Yo aborte. No fue una decisión fácil. No entraré en detalles del porqué tome la…
An abortion in an abusive relationship
I feel much relieved thanks to women on web because living in a country where…
I don't regret it. It was one of the wisest decisions I ever made in my life. I'…
Jestem w stałym związku od 7lat. Mam kochającego mężczyznę i mała córeczkę.
I had two abortions in my life: one when I was 21 and newly married and one 8…
Não vi outra opção. Então tomei coragem e optei por um aborto.
Its gonna be the first time i speak about my abortion.
I was just a 25 yo girl
A cry of freedom for all women who are dictated by the mentality of the norms…