
Condividi la tua storia

I had a medical abortion when i was 18 years old at 5 weeks pregnant. Yes, it was painful. Yes, I felt guilt and remorse for the first few weeks. Then I realized I had made the better choice for myself, my boyfriend, and my unborn child. This child would have had an unstable home, & would not have received what it deserved. I'm happy, I'm loved, I'm no less than any other woman. I made the choice that was right for me and my man. Be strong ladies, you are making the right choice if it's your* choice. <3

2014 United States

Sad. Guilty dreams. Depressed. Relieved. Moving on. Is this reality?. My baby was here one second now he is gone. Have I made the right choice? Would my boyfriend really have stayed with me? Happy but sad. Over emotional. Alone.

Medical abortion's are undoubtedly extremely painful (I almost fainted from the cramps) but Ibuprofen helped with the pain. My experience was private, calm, and I was allowed to deal with it my own way. The problem was that I was stressed out wondering if everything had successfully came out.

I have only been with my boyfriend for three months.


It was legal.


I did not tell anyone else except my boyfriend. He supported me 100% either way, and agreed with my decision in the end. He loves me and knew we were not ready emotionally or financially for such a huge commitment. I'm lucky to have him by my side :).


Lo hice por amor al bebé, no me merecía como mamá.

Eléonore Delmas

I had an abortion


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Miałam aborcję i nie żałuję! Znowu czuję, że żyję. Opowiem wam w skrócie moją…

Bom foi uma decisão bem complicada, porque eu nunca pensei em fazer isso. Eu…

Liz Price

I had an abortion


"#AbortoLegalYa" era tendencia número uno en redes mientras yo lo hacía…

Bryann Turner

It was the right decision for me at this time.

Sylwia Zatońska

Ciąża nie powinna być przypadkiem!!!


I got pregnant at age 44 after a birth control failure. I am so blessed to…


Yo aborté los miedos, la pena, el vacío y el amor.


Yo aborte con cinco semanas de gestación.... En el mi corazón siempre vivirás.


A mi ángel


Interrumpi mi embarazo de un mes y medio

Daniela Moraes

É fácil defender o aborto das outras. Difícil é decidir quando a gente precisa…


Mam 20 lat i zupełnie nie byłam przygotowana na ciąże.
Ja i mój chłopak…


Nunca arrepentida