Yo aborte porque no estaba en el momento adecuado para tener un hijo, mi madre…
yo aborte, fue la decisión correcta
I had an abortion. It was a stressful time, I am glad it is all behind me. My…
Bom,eu encontrei vários relatos e quis deixar o meu bom eu tenho só 17 anos e…
The reviews were scary and I was afraid of what would happen when I took the…
I feel much relieved thanks to women on web because living in a country where…
I had a surgical abortion at Planned Parenthood in Beacon, NY at 4 weeks.
I have had 3 abortions, one clinical, 2 medical. I do not regret those…
I had an abortion..W słońcu ludzie wyglądają tak, jakby zasługiwali na to, aby…
I was too careless after meeting a guy when I was in a vulnerable period and…
ini pengalaman pertama saya setelah 24 tahun hidup di dunia sebagai seorang…
Fiz um aborto e me sinto aliviada. Agradeço muito a toda a equipe do Women on…
Kiedy dowiedziałam się o kolejnej ciąży załamałam się. Nie wiedziałam co mam…