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It was the right thing to do.

2018 United States

I knew I couldn’t have had this baby. When the procedure was over I felt immense relief and peace. I have never regretted it. It was the right thing to do. I have two children now and can mother them the way I want to, the way they need me to. I don’t know what would have happened to me if I had the other baby. I think I would have fallen apart.

It was actually wonderful. The clinic was professional, the doctor and nurses were queens and they cared about me.


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Angy :)

I decided to have an abortion, it wasnt easy but it was the best decision

Anne Jellinek

I had two abortions in my life: one when I was 21 and newly married and one 8…


Me hice un aborto porque no quería ser madre en ese momento.


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I had been with my boyfriend for 6 years and we are in our early 30s now. 



Medical abortion


The best decision for me.


My abortion story.

Eva Paradise

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