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It was less painful than expected

2019 South Korea

I think I moved on from the abortion but sometimes, it still crosses my mind thinking what might have been if I continued the pregnancy. Me and my boyfriend wanted another child but it's just that we are not financially ready.

I was 6 weeks pregnant when I knew. I was not bothered at all when my menstruation was delayed because I was confident on my period and fertility tracker. But like many other method of contraception, mine failed. And I was in a very difficult circumstances that although I am going steady with my 3-year boyfriend, we decided we can't raise another child yet as we have children from our previous relationships. I contacted women on web and other people on the internet asking for help and another female advised me of surgical abortion which is a bit costly. And so I seeked helped from WoW, and I'm glad I did. After I transferred the donation, the shipment was processed immediately. I was so anxious while waiting for the delivery because as WoW pre-warned, the tracking system is not updated, yet I was assured the package will arrive as expected. It did, at exactly 2 weeks. By then, I was 9 weeks and 5 days pregnant. The pills arrived at friday, so at 9pm that day I took the mipefristone with water. And then I went to work on Saturday. at Saturday 830pm, I took 500mg of tylenol and waited an hour before taking 4 misoprostols under my tounge as instructed. After 30min, I swallowed the remains. 15 min after taking the first dose of misoprostol, I started shivering so bad, I was having chills, my whole body was shaking I can't even hold my phone. I covered myself on a blanket which is of a little use and my boyfriend covered me with a winter jacket which gave a little better relief. at 1020pm I needed to go to the toilet but it was not a diarrhea, It was a normal stool. I notice small amount of blood came with my pee. I went back to our room, still shivering. my boyfriend was very supportive asking me what I needed, to eat, to drink, and assist me in bed because my chills are really strong. I lied down on my left side and fell asleep despite the cramps. after an hour I woke up, I felt blood coming out from me so I went to the toilet to change. I soaked one maxi pad and as I sat in the toilet, I felt and heard a blob of blood came out from me. I did not take a good look at it, I glanced at it really fast and flushed it right away. I washed and changed to another pad then went to bed. I ate an apple and banana. and drank powerade a bit. then i slept again. at 1 am, I'm feeling bearable cramps so I took another 2 misoprostol under my tounge. at 2am I felt blood come out again so I rushed to the toilet and passed another blob and had diarrhea. I changed my second pad to third. Then I ate 2 bananas as I felt I am starving, drank water and lie to bed. I slept at around 3am, woke at 4 anticipating to feel another painful cramp but only mild ones occured. had a good sleep until noon the next day, still feeling a bit tender breasts, and have slight bleeding. I am still worried of incomplete abortion because I've read horrible testimonials about excruciating pain which I did not have. Contrary to what I've read, my experience was not that painful. the bleeding lasted for 3 weeks and it was very light. then I had my period 4 weeks after I had an abortion. As I am writing this story, it is 2 months now when I took the pills.


somehow, it did.


They are saddened by my decision but still supported me


No fue facil pero lo hise y me ha hido muy bien! Fue mi mejor decición!


com dor e com culpa


Força, tudo que precisa!


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