
Ceritakan Kisahmu

I can now carry on with life.

2013 Selandia Baru

i was glad of what i was doing. i was angry at having to wait for the medical tests and considered asking my first to do one for me because i had to wait for lost of testing.

I was under general anesthesia so i was out of it. my mum was able to walk me all the way to the theater and when i woke up she was beside me. i was so relieved it was over when i woke up and because of the pain medication i was a bit high and i yelled 'im not pregnnt im so happy!!'

Apakah ilegalitas aborsi Anda memengaruhi perasaan Anda?

No, even if it was illegal i would have found a way to have it.

Bagaimana orang lain bereaksi terhadap aborsi Anda?

My family was supportive. My boyfriend was totally absent and refused to discuss it. He wanted to shirk responsibility.


I had a Medical Abortion - Painful Experience, Life Changing

Vivi Lili

La vdd no creo que sea malo soy una mujer casada y tengo un precioso hijo pero…

katrina nicole

the only time i look back is to say thank god


While I was on a 3-month vacation in Europe I met a guy and we quickly fell for…


Olá, tenho 24 anos e fiz um aborto com aproximadamente 8 semanas. Fiz questão…


Yo aborté los miedos, la pena, el vacío y el amor.


Nie wahajcie sie, jezeli czujecie ze musicie.. zrobcie to


Fue una decisión de vida


at just 19 years old.


Macierzyństwo nie jest dla każdego

Mam już 30 lat, męża, stabilną sytuację…

Katy Nunes

Meu corpo: minhas regras. Eu decido se e quando quero ter filho.


Força, tudo que precisa!


Zaczełao sie (wiadomo) od dwóch kresek i przerażenia. Szukałam możliwości…

Вика а

I had an abortion я сделала аборт и не жалею. это бил правильный выбор. Я…

Miih Be

Dia 9 de Setembro de 2019 tive relação sexual desprotegida com meu noivo, ele…


zrobiłabym to jeszcze raz


No fue bueno pero fue lo mejor.