
Ceritakan Kisahmu

I had an abortion when I needed it, hassle-free, legal, medically safe, and reimbursed by my health insurance. This should be the norm. I wish to all my sisters, all over the world, to be able to get the same, whenever they need it. Abortion should be decided by the woman herself and no-one else.

1994 Swiss

Negligence on contraception that caused the pregnancy was on both sides, sex partner was equally responsible. Glad I could get an abortion!

Hassle-free and safe.

un-wished pregnancy

Bagaimana orang lain bereaksi terhadap aborsi Anda?

All those I informed (sex partner and close friends) were fully supportive and understanding.

kate swanson

I didn't intend it to, but safe, legal abortion played a huge part in my family…

Sin GLORIA pero sin PENA

Yo soy dueña de mi jardín,YO RIEGO,YO CORTO.


Calma, eu sei seu desespero. VAI DAR TUDO CERTO! #FORÇA


Você não está sozinha!


Mirar hacia adelante.

Willem Velthoven

I had several abortions. And children too!


The first time I was too young the next I was old enough to know I had no right…

Lora Fleming

I had 3 abortions and as a medical student, I helped preform several abortions…


Tengo una hija de 4 años, pero aun asi yo aborte este año.


Se puede acceder de forma legal

Regina Kunst

Aku memutuskan untuk aborsi karena pada saat itu, aku masih menempuh S3 dan…


Nunca me senti tão sozinha


Fiz um aborto - E foi a melhor decisão que eu podia ter tomado para a minha…

Paulette De los reyes

Decidi lo mejor para las dos


I had an abortion in the US a few years ago. I think it is important for all of…

Ashley Engbrecht

At the young age of 17, I was the victim of sexual assault. There is nothing…