
Ceritakan Kisahmu

I was too careless after meeting a guy when I was in a vulnerable period and lonely an sad . I believe he brought me some comfort emotionally and I think we both didn't care at first we started having unprotected intercourse and that's where I went wrong I've never had an abortion or miscarriage before an I have two children already I feel I will never let this happen again and I hate feeling sick and this is the worst thing worst mistake I will never have intercourse while ovulating with or without condom tracking it every month now after this if I'm being sexually active. Protection is best thing for me

2017 Amerika Serikat

My fault for being careless

Miserable, a little vomiting, pain

Bagaimana orang lain bereaksi terhadap aborsi Anda?



I can now carry on with life.


Decisões difíceis exigem coragem.

Sylvie Shene

A Life-Saving Experience


Pois tenho direito de escolher o que é melhor pra mim! O importante é não se…


I had an abortion.


Nigdy nie sądziłam, że to powiem ale tak, miałam aborcję.
Historie innych…

Yasmin Silva

Enfim, vou contar minha história com muita paz no meu coração e na minha vida.

Tlhogi Tshegofaso

I did it when I was 4 weeks. Its was tremendously painful and horrific. The…


Yo aborté, a mis 25 años y en Chile. No es menor, es un país institucionalmente…


It was a difficult but necessary choice to have made.


Tomé una desición

Someone Great

It wasn’t the easiest thing, but it was the best thing I could have done for…

Maria Madalena

Fiz um aborto e me sinto muito, muito aliviada!!!

Jedna z Tysiecy

Kiedy nie chcesz dziecka, i wiesz, ze tak musi byc.

gdy twoj ex partner z…


Pregnancy and abortion - what a trip.


Ojala alguna vez me perdones... pero fue. La mejor decisión..


Sin duda ha sido la decisión más difícil que he tomado en lo que llevo de vida


I had an abortion. It's a choice I want available for every woman, for…


Me enfrente a la injusticia de haber nacido mujer