
Ceritakan Kisahmu

I was 21 years old. I actually had just stopped using Birth Control due to the unknown side effects. My boyfriend and I were together for about 4 months at this time. One day I had terrible cramps, laying in the fetal position from the pain. It was abnormal, I knew it was off. I took a test and I was pregnant. Also, I did get my period.

Anyways. I went to Planned Parenthood to figure out how to get rid of it. We both knew we did not want a child. We were both young, yes 21 is young. He was also abusive. PP was very amazing, accommodating with no judgement.

2008 Amerika Serikat

Accommodating, thoughtful, kind.

Bagaimana orang lain bereaksi terhadap aborsi Anda?

Very supportive. My mother and sister both had abortions before me. We are all thankful for the right.


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Decidida, sin culpa ni arrepentimiento, soy fiel a mi misma.


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Yo aborté


Despite the intense feelings I've had since, I know it was the right thing to…


This is something that was necessary for me but most definitely the hardest and…


I don't regret my abortion.


....because my pregnancy was unexpected and I did not want another child. My…

Aguaperdida Pam

Fue una decisión muy difícil pero estoy segura de que fue la mejor.
Un embarazo


Never felt so relieved in my life. I owe everything to planned parenthood and…

Lucyna L

I had an abortion